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Stew Mag Vol 2, #003

Stew Mag Vol 2, #003

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Doggie Heaven's infectious and moody synth-pop acutely reflects Stew Mag's neurotic zoomer self-love/hate like no one else. The two-piece has been playing shows almost every weekend since they formed late last year, and we're very excited about the rumours of a debut EP in the works. Jacob McCann’s fantastic snap of the duo near Vulture St graces our front cover.

In typical Stew fashion, over 68 pages we have a smattering of in-depth interviews with an eclectic range of artists, from the apocalyptic soundscapes of Party Dozen to hook-y indie of Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers

We chat with Tim Evans (Sea Scouts, Bird Blobs, Coconuts) about his time playing in Hobart, Melbourne and New York with all his various infamous outputs from the 90s till now.

Lillian Phillips contributes two great articles -- the first, a long-form interview with Body Type about their recent LP. The second, a 6 page essay covering Chris Bailey and The Saints' place in modern culture.

Rhyece O’Neill pens a gonzo account of listening to CIVIC alongside an interview with their frontman. We cover Lifeguard and the burgeoning Chicago indie scene, getting all the interesting context about their influences and approach to building a community. And in one of the highlights of the issue, Stew chats with Wet Kiss about the tremendously conceptual but not pretentious avant-pop across their recent LP 'She's So Cool'. We talk gay culture, noise influences and lots, lots more.

Other tidbits include reviews of King Gizz's recent effort 'Ominium Gatherum', the latest (and last ever) album from Kikagaku Moyo, and PHF’s 'Purest Hell'. We also review a long weekend of gigs, writing loose gonzo prose about a number of bands; Kitchen's Floor, Daily Toll, Babe Rainbow, Baby Cool, DGU and more...

Printed in super limited quantities so we can afford to keep doing it! Get in quick before they sell out…